Innisfree Jeju Hallabong Daily Skin Bright Review

Innisfree is the first korean brand i know. Since I was in midde school I’ve known this brand. From my favorite korean artist, from my sister who has used the product.

But, now i want to talk about this innisfree jeju hallabong product. Not the first produk that i try from Innisfree but it is gonna be my favorite skincare line from innisfree.

Brightening Pore Facial Cleanser

Claims: A clean, moist cleansing foam that gently removes waste from every corner of your pores and leaves your skin clear. It contains Jeju Hallabong bark extract to make the skin clean and elastic and care for the flaw to make the skin bright.

It Contains ingredient that are good for Brightening and Moisturizing. Like Hallabong Peel Extract, Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide), Vitamin C (Ethyl Ascorbyl Acid), Vitamin B5 (Panthenol), and Hyaluronic Acid.

It has 150ml size, which I’m sure will be enough for two months. The Product comes lightly wrapped in plastic, It has a milky creamy texture, when i apply at my hand it appeared to be a slightly viscous. when it hits the water the texture slowly becomes a soft and bouncy foam. There’s not too much lather, but because of this deep cleansing is proven to clean up to the pores. On my oily skin, it doesn’t leave a very dry impression.

One more thing I like, it smells like sweet orange. Make me calm and relax when washing my face.

Brightening Pore Serum

A double-duty serum with vitamin C from Jeju tangerine that perks up skin’s bright appearance while helping even the look of tone, texture, and pores.

This refreshingly-lightweight serum is loaded with ampoule-filled capsules that release brightening ingredients as you apply it. To encourage a bright, even complexion, it’s made with tangerine peels harvested on Jeju Island, South Korea, which contain four times more vitamin C than the fruit’s flesh.

This serum has a glass bottle packaging with a white color combination and the lid is brownish gold also has the automatic twist-lock dropper cap.

Contains Hallabong Peel Extract, a synergy 10% Vitamin Derivatives and Hyaluronic Acid. For Brightening, Pore Caring, and Hydrating.

It has a watery formula fast absorbing and leaves skin hydrated without stickiness. Lightweight texture that helps for brighten complexion, and blemishes.

So far what I feel the most about this serum is they actually fading my acne blemishes and brighten skin.

Cherry Blossom Tone Up Cream

A light-textured facial brightening cream that can help instantly brighten with a natural color without drying the skin, and make it more moisturized and fresh.

The packaging is simple with a soft pink paste bottle with a screw cap.

Actually i don’t have a good experience with tone up cream but looks like i have to exclude this one. This product has a rich creamy white texture. I use it at the last step of my routine in the morning. I thought this product would make my face look gray but it turned out to be natural, and it’s not at all hard to blend.

Even without make-up, it’s still beautiful to take out, because it gives healthy and natural results.

Jeju Root Energy Mask

A mask to moisturize and cleanse the skin with 5 times more hyaluronic acid and vegetable extracts grown in the pristine Jeju soil

Formulated with 5 different hyaluronic complexes to keep skin moisturized for a long time.

This is a water essence type mask that is great for hydrating purpose. Especially for dehydrated and dry skin. There is a lot of essence liquid. It really helps to hydrate and moisturize my skin also doesn’t make my face sticky after use.


You can Purchase this line here at stylekorean.

Brand Lokal True To Skin mengeluarkan Cleanser dalam kandungan Matcha & Oat.

Matcha Oat Gentle Cleanser by True To Skin 🌱

Cleanser ini berisi 100ml dengan packagingnya berupa tube plastik doff berwarna hijau gradasi.

Cleanser ini mampu untuk membersihkan kotoran, polusi dan juga minyak berlebih di kulit. Produk ini punya ingredient yang safe for sensitive skin dan pregnancy. Suitable for all skin type. Bebas dari Paraben, Sulfate, Fungal Acne safe, Alcohol, dan Silikon.

Memiliki Key Ingredient:
🌱 Matcha – Rich in Antioxidant
🌱 Oat Extract – Soothing, antioxidant, and Skin protecting.
🌱 Heart Lead – Shooting, Anti-inflammatory.
🌱 Licorice – Brighten and help uneven skin tone.
🌱 Collagen – Help clean skin, reducing flaking and leaves skin soft.

With Supporting Ingredients:
🌱 Oat
🌱 Kiwi fruit
🌱 Allantoin
🌱 French Green Tea Scrub
🌱 Houttuynia Cordata

Sebagai pemilik acne prone skin, aku seneng produk ini approve di kulit aku yang rentan berjerawat. Karena dia tipe cleanser yang gentle, gak terlalu banyak busa, dan gak bikin kulit kering justru malah bantu menghidrasi.

Teksturnya berupa gel dengan potongan green tea leaves yang berasal dari Frances. Walaupun teksturnya gel, dia tidak meninggalkan kesan licin. Busa yang dihasilkan juga sedikit banget. Cuman pakai sedikit aja cukup buat semuka.

Aku tipe kulit acne prone, dan agak susah cari cleanser yang gak akan nimbulin jerawat. Makanya aku cuman stuck di satu produk karena takut coba-coba. But, finally i find my another holy grail.

Pengalamannya aku ketika pakai produk ini udah seminggu, dia sama sekali tidak bikin kering atau ada rasa seperti ketarik. Justru malah menghidrasi kulit aku jadi lebih plump atau kenyal. Memberikan efek segar juga kalau habis pakai ini. Dan surprisingly, gak menimbulkan efek negatif di kulit aku. 🤗

Harganya menurutku juga affordable dengan isi yang lumayan banyak. Salah satu produk yang harus ada terus di rutin aku dan pasti akan repurchase 🌱

PONDS Serum Whip Foam. Bye Pori Hello Glowing Skin

Halo, kali ini ada yang baru loh dari Produk Skincare Unilever yang udah lama jadi kecintaan kita semua! Ingat gak, dulu sebelum mengenal Skincare lain yang sudah booming, kamu pasti sudah mengenal Ponds dan jadi pengguna Ponds sejak jaman kecil, iya kan?

Kali ini Ponds secara resmi melaunching Produk Facial Foam yang berbeda dari sabun cuci muka sebelumnya. Baca sampai habis untuk mengenal lebih jauh produk baru Ponds, ya.

Secara Packaging tidak ada yang berbeda dari Sabun cuci muka Ponds varian lain. Seperti Tube Pasta dengan cap berwarna putih, dan cover body berwarna gradasi hitam putih untuk yang Activated Charcoal sedangkan yang Beauty Bright berwarna pink dan putih, Aku masih bisa mencium wewangian dari facial foam ini, gak begitu nyengat but still fine to me.

Seperti namanya facial foam ini tekstur busanya bener bener lembut seperti whip cream. Busanya lebih banyak seperti awan. Enak banget ketika di sentuh ke muka berasa super lembut, jadi pengen berlama lama cuci muka pake whip foam ini. Apalagi dia juga gak bikin muka kering dan efek seperti ketarik.

Yang aku denger lagi, dibanding facial foam ponds lainnya, busa dari facial foam ini memiliki busa kecil sehingga dapat menyerap dan membersihkan hingga ke pori.

Facial foam Pure Bright ini juga mengandung activated charcoal, jadi bisa mendetoks polusi dan mengangkat kotoran serta sebum hingga ke pori. So, wajah kita jadi bebas dari kotoran dan polusi. Aman banget buat semua jenis kulit.

Facial foam Beauty Bright juga mengandung 10x collagen serum, mampu mengunci kelembaban wajah dan busanya juga membersihkan hingga ke pori. Facial foam ini juga bikin kulit aku jadi cerah instan setelah cuci muka. Bisa banget digunakan untuk all skin type, karena dia gak bikin muka jadi tambah kering karena kandungan collagen, dan busanya membersihkan kotoran dan minyak hingga ke pori juga.

Favorit aku sih yang Pure Bright Activated Charcoal. Karena biasanya setelah seharian aktivitas outdoor dan make up, cuci muka pake sabun ini jadi kerasa bersih banget seperti didetoks.

Kamu udah coba belum?

#FDxPonds #ByePoriHelloGlowingSkin #PondsSerumWhipFoam